Sunday June 1

Lois is having a good weekend. She was feeling well enough that we decided I should go and do the leadership retreat in St Joe, Missouri that had been planned for some time. I left early Friday morning and returned about 8:30 last night. Kari spent most of the two days with Lois.

Lois is dealing with a back ache. We are unsure if this is surgery related or is from sitting and reclining and sleeping more in the past two weeks than she has in the past two years! Ibuprofen and Tylenol seem to relieve most of that discomfort. She is taking the stronger prescription pain medication at night and sleeps most of the night.

Her belly is sore and she holds a pillow to her belly when she coughs, blows her nose and gets up. Lois is usually self-sufficient and that hasn’t changed. She get ups, get dressed, takes showers – all without assistance. Many people have brought in food and she is eating small meals every two hours or so and gets her own food and cleans up the dishes, too!

Several people have stopped by and many have called. Most have remarked that Lois is much better than they imagined. We attribute the reduced pain and discomfort and the speed at which she gaining strength to answered prayer.

Tomorrow we get up early and head to Iowa City. Lois has an appointment at the surgery clinic at the University Hospital to have her staples removed. Hopefully that doesn’t leave her too uncomfortable.

We appreciate continued prayer. . .

3 thoughts on “Sunday June 1”

  1. Lois,

    I am so thankful to hear that you are progressing so well. I pray for strength and courage for each new day. I wish I was close enough to give you a hug–but consider yourself hugged, okay? You are a dear friend.


  2. We are praying…praying without ceasing!!! Keep us posted and we will cling to God’s love, compassion, and mercy as we venture through this with you both.

    Joe and Pam Arnold

  3. Hello there Jim, Lois and family…. I just wanted you to all know that you have been on my mind and that I AM PRAYING. I love you all very much !!


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