Trust in the Lord. A simple statement with incredible implications. It’s actually quite easy to trust the Lord when life is smoothly cruising along without any bumps or sharp curves or accidents or cancer. But when the tough times come, trusting the Lord is an act of the will. It’s not easy. It doesn’t feel good. Trusting the Lord in crises demands our full attention and complete obedience.  In those times we are held accountable to our commitment to God. Will we trust him completely even when . . . ?

We arrived at the hospital at 7:35 Wednesday morning for a day of tests and procedures and the first infusion of Chemo drugs. The first item on the agenda was lab work. Lois’ hemoglobin is 10.5. A little lower than optimum but a huge improvement from the 5 Lois was at on May 19.

Then it was on to Interventional Radiology where they surgically inserted a port into Lois’ upper right chest that gives easy and comfortable access to deliver drugs and draw blood. No more pokes in the arms for lab work.  As soon as Lois shook off enough of the grogginess from that procedure, they had her drink the grape flavored liquid to make her glow for the CT Scan.  Trust in the Lord.

Finally, after being at the hospital for six hours, we walked down to the cafeteria and ate lunch at 2 pm – the first food for Lois since Tuesday night at 10. Of course, when we got up to the Clinical Cancer Center, it was back to hurry up and wait to see the Dr.  The news was not what we wanted to hear. Trust in the Lord.

The CT Scan revealed growing tumors in the liver. The original three, which were found on May 21, have grown significantly and now there are many more tumors in the liver although they are mostly small. We could see the shock on the faces of the two Doctors who told us. Trust in the Lord.

Previous plans for the Chemo cocktail were abandoned and in 90 minutes a new combination of the same drugs in stronger amounts was finalized and prepared. The cocktail includes Avastin, which we weren’t scheduled to begin until July 23 but the Oncologists strongly recommended that we set aside caution and attack the cancer as aggressively as possible.  We agreed – but our trust is in the Lord. (Normally they wait at least 10 weeks after a major surgery to use Avastin since it greatly decreases the bloods’ clotting factor.)

The Infusion Center started the first drip at 4:20 and finished at 8:25. Then we had the fanny pack pump hooked up for a 46 hour delivery of one of the drugs. We arrived home at 10:10 pm and Lois slept as well as possible considering she had the pump hooked up and was sore on the right side where they inserted the port.  She is taking a low dose of pain medication and the meds to prevent nausea.

Home Health Care will come at 6:30 pm on Friday to unhook the pump and flush the port. We plan to leave about noon on Saturday to drive to Liberty, MO, just north of Kansas City. Sunday afternoon we begin set up for Tri State camp which begins on Monday afternoon and wraps up at noon on Saturday the 19th.

The words of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego keep echoing in our hearts. (See Daniel 3:16-18) We know that God is able to heal Lois and take away all the cancer, but even if He does not, we will still trust Him; worship Him. That is our mutual commitment: Trust in the Lord.

16 thoughts on “TRUST IN THE LORD”

  1. Bowden’s asked if we would add Lois to our prayers. I assume it is alright with you and we will add Lois to the prayer list at St. George Lutheran Church in Edinburgh.
    I spent 2 1/2 years as a Chaplain at Methodist, Riley and IU / Indy. During that time, I saw healing that can only be attributed to prayer and Divine intervention.
    Jerry Curry

  2. We will be praying for you and trusting with you that God will make all things good. We hope that you, Lois, won’t be too sick from the drugs.
    Love yas,
    JoLynn and Carl

  3. Jim & Lois:
    Just wanted to encourage you. As you said, the knowing and saying come easier than the doing. Isn’t it special to know that the doing is our Lord’s. We are praying for you all as you go through this lesson on trust. Jeremiah 29:11

  4. Hi guys
    Yes indeed, “Trust in the Lord!” And we understand exactly what we mean when we say that. Questions? Sure is. Trust in the Lord with all your heart….I am sorry to hear of the tumors that have come into being. I pray each morning as HE reminds me as well, that HE will undertake for Lois and that HIS perfect will be done. So, “Trust the Lord” exactly our option and so it is. I trust that things will work together for His good and that the peace of God will be yours during this time. I’m rambling, of course…that what happens when friends are having a tough time. Take care.
    Pastor Phil

  5. I found this so inspirational. I am a christian, and i am struggling a lot right now because the medications i am on limit how much i can be outside, i burn so easily and beacause i cannot be outside i have low vitamin D. I am plagues right now with stomache pain, that is still mystery after over a year of testing, and i have been loosing my faith in God, it amazes me how i trust God for the very breath of life, yet i cannot seem to trust him in my current situations. BUt this truly has changed my outlook. I know God has areason for having me go through all of this, and instead of questioning it, am just going to trust Him. Its no easy when the questions you have outweight they answers they give, but its God who when we trust in Him will give us peace beyond all messure.
    God Bless

  6. Lois and Jim, I couldn’t stop the tears as I read this but you are right…trust in the Lord and we will continue to do so with you. You both are loved, admired, and cherish. Joe and I hope to meet your needs at camp this next week. Yes, we are called to serve the kids, but we are also called to serve you. What ever you need friends…

    In Him~Joe and Pam Arnold

  7. Dear Jim and Lois,
    I have been praying for you, thinking of you, thanking God for you as I read each of the updates. I have been touched by the insight you have shared and the understanding it has given me. This process is familiar from my experience with my mother. She was not able to communicate all that she could or would have shared because of her own limitations of opening up and being transparent. But even with those limitations I was thankful for what I learned. What you have shared has filled in some”holes” I think existed and it has given me some understanding I think I have wanted. I didn’t even realize it until I followed you through this. I believe Mom trusted in the Lord. And it is my heart and desire to be able to trust in the Lord through my own health challenges if and when they come. God bless both of you abundantly!

  8. Dear Jim & Lois, Whatever we may have to endure, God is faithful. Keep trusting the Lord, and love and take care of each other.
    Love and Prayers, Marilyn

  9. Dear ones,
    Since our coming to Christian Union and Zion-Van Wert under two years ago, you have been a source of friendship and support to us that has been more of a blessing than we can share here. Thank you for your care and prayers, and for being an aid to this parsonage family.
    We are holding you up in prayer, both of you, as you are indeed a team in Holy service. You BOTH hurt, and we are praying for you both. Although we haven’t met you yet, Lois, we feel we have indeed met you through Jim. May God our Matchless, Wonderful, Powerful Father lift and guard you. May His Son, the Holy Lamb Jesus our only Savior, and the Holy Spirit, our Ever-Present Comforter and Sustainer be your portion every second of every day. Keeping submissive to Him keeps you pliable, which keeps you useable. Take every test, needle stick and procedure in prayer and know His comfort, peace, and will. You are indeed a wonderful example of Christian faith. May God richly bless you both.

  10. Dear Jim & Lois,

    Whatever we may have to endure, God is faithful. Keep trusting the Lord, and love and take care of each other.

    Love & Prayers, Marilyn

  11. Sorry to hear of the increased cancer but God is bigger than all that attacks or opposes. With prayer, Joe C.

  12. Beth called to tell me and we prayed together. We are especially going to uphold you this week – can’t imagine how hard it is for you Jim to be so needing to focus on camp but your heart is still with Lois’ situation. We are praying that God will show those campers and staff a real miracle for you Lois! Praying for hope, encouragement and rest this week.

  13. Jim and Lois,
    We all have trials that we don’t want, but He is able and willing to take them on for us. Yes, we must trust in Him. He is the only way for us to get through these terrible times. We have you both on our prayer list at Heath C.U. Church and there are some who keep up with you via this blog. Please continue to keep us informed as to how God is working in your lives.
    May God bless you in everything you do.
    Sherry and John DeVault

  14. Dear Jim & Lois,

    Keep trusting the Lord. Also keep loving and taking of each other through this trying time. God is faithful even though we don’t always understand what we are going through.

    Trust you had a good camp.

    Love & Prayers, Marilyn

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