Update on Lois – May 5, 2009

We have had a most interesting and productive day:

First of all, Lois is feeling much better. Last night she slept the best in a long time. She has not had a temp over 101 today which is a major improvement.

Secondly, we’ve continued to work with Palliative Care on managing pain and the Chemo “cold” – the almost constant sinus drainage. We’ll begin using a nasal steroid tonight which should help a lot with that. Last night Lois started taking a long-acting morphine which will help with the achy pains that will certainly increase if the liver tumors continue to grow.

Third, we transitioned all Lois medication to be taken orally as part of the process of preparing to go home.

Fourth, in consultation with the Staff Dr, the Resident Dr, the Palliative Care Dr, and our oncologist, Dr Halfdanarson, we are moving ahead to get Lois ready for a Chemo treatment on May 12. There is a lot of hope that we can slow the growth of the tumors with a Chemo “cocktail” generally known as Folfiri and that’s what we will begin next week. In order to accomplish this Lois needs to be stronger.

Even though her numbers from the lab work have been consistent since Saturday, they are all on the low side of normal or just a little below the established benchmarks. So, as I am writing this, Lois is getting the first of two units of blood. Conventional wisdom is this will boost her system and bring all the numbers up so we can do the first infusion of Folfiri.

When the blood transfusions are complete – about 8 pm – we anticipate Lois will be discharged. Getting home is a key component in helping her body be ready for Chemo next week.

God continues to be faithful and trustworthy! Being able to go home this soon is a great answer to prayer! Undoubtedly, we face more road bumps in this journey, but we are confident as we place our dependence and hope and future in God’s hands that He will never give up on us! We are trusting God to be God.

3 thoughts on “Update on Lois – May 5, 2009”

  1. Praise the Lord for such good news!! Praying Lois will be ready for May 12! Love to you all, Carol

  2. How great is our God! I am so thankful that you know the Burden Bearer and that He has proven His faithfulness to you. You are a wonderful example of what it means to walk by faith. Sheri, Michelle and LaVae are all praying for you as well. Sheri emailed this morning that she had prayed specifically for your pain to be relieved. I am emailing her now to let her know that was answered, and is continuing to be answered. I wish I could be there to give you a hug.
    Love, Linda for Keith as well

  3. Jim/Lois:

    Just a quick note to let you know that our family is thinking of you. I crossed paths with Joy via facebook and she told me about the fight you have been wadging. I was saddened to hear that you are struggling with the cancer bug. Not sure if you are aware…..but we lost dad in February to brain cancer…..sure miss him.

    Our prayers are with you. Sure is good to be re-connected.


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