At Home, At Peace

Lois Jean Eschenbrenner completed life’s journey on Friday, September 11 at 11:50 am when she died peacefully at home.

There will be a special Celebration of Life service at Northgate Alliance Church in Ottumwa, IA on Saturday, September 19 at 1:30 pm. The family will receive friends and visitors both prior to the service beginning at Noon and following the service. There will be a family only graveside service to lay the body to rest at Brooks Cemetery with Rev. Frosty Van Voorst officiating.

The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be directed to the Pekin Ministerial Association, 205 W 4th, Packwood, IA 52580 or Keokuk County Hospice, 420 N. Main St., Sigourney, IA 52591.

6 thoughts on “At Home, At Peace”

  1. “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”
    To think that Lois is face to face with her Creator, praising his holy name. Well done, good and faithful servant. Well done.

  2. Our prayers are with you and yuor family. Lois is a gracious and Godly woman who will “awake to everlasting life” and “shine like the brightnessof the stars forever” (Daniel 12:2&3)

  3. I just learned of Lois’ completion of life’s journey. I have tears in my eyes as I write this, not because I knew her personally, rather because I have come to love you, Jim and through you, can love your family. If the distance was not so great, I would certainly travel to be with you on Saturday. Yet be assured of my heartfelt prayers which will traverse the gap of miles. May Father’s overwhelming flood of peace carry you on its wave. With tender affection, Gary

  4. Jim amd family just a note to offer my prayers for you all. i count it a blessing I got to know Lois better when I cmae as a home health nurse. When I read about the peace you felt in your house I remember feeling that peace each time I came to visit Lois. She was a great woman of faith and it gives me great joy to know she is looking in the face of our dear Lord,Jesus. I will be praying that same peace stays with you continually.
    Richards’brother passed away on Weds. 9/9/9. He is the one you and Lois prayed for that day I was there for a home visit. I pray he also knew Jesus as many of us prayed for and with him.
    Let me know if there is anything we can do for you and your family.
    In Christs love Connie And Richard Phillips

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