Twenty-six days after we celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary, Lois was completely healed; never to die again! It was 9-11-09.
“The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21)
Little did I know three years ago today how many times I would repeat Job’s words. Sometimes I mean them. Other times I repeat them because I want to mean them.
In Psalm 31:1-5 I find words that are more than I can fathom and I’ll share the Esch version:
“In you, Lord, I am taking refuge, don’t let me down. Take me seriously because I seriously need You to listen and rescue me with your righteousness. I need you to hide me from the loneliness, discouragement, and frustration which threaten me with ruin.
From the beginning, Lois and I publicly proclaimed our faith and trust in You – the reputation of your name is at stake – a lot of people are still watching and waiting for the train wreck. Lead and guide me away from the trap of self-pity for you are my strength and protection.
Once again, I affirm my commitment to trust you with my life. You’ve never let me down and I don’t expect you ever will.”
Every day I present myself as a living sacrifice asking God to make me holy and acceptable; like soft clay in His hands. And every day I find myself confessing – again – my willfulness in demanding my own way. His grace is more than I can fathom.
May each of you experience the peace that continues to surprise me.
Thank you for this.
Thank you for your honesty and for fighting the good fight. We love you and think of you often. We miss Lois and John & I often tell people that you two are one of the greatest examples of marriage that we saw.
Teresa Zadina
It is a blessing from the Lord to have loved someone to miss, even though it hurts now. We pray often for you and the kids in your loneliness.
Great to see you your resilience in person. Thanks for your visit and your long obedience in the same direction. May the Lord continue to give you strength and grace. love, Doug & Virginia
Lois IS one of the dearest friends I will ever have. I love and miss her terribly, still, and always will. But I know that my Redeemer lives and because He lives, Lois lives, and one day we will never have to say “Good-Bye” again.
Lois was such a lovely lady. It is no wonder you miss her so. She was a pleasure to know. Please know I think of you often. God gives us nothing we cannot handle although sometimes we sure wonder. Faith and trust are two really big words to take seriously. Thinking of you!