Tragedy. Trauma. Terrorism.
Frustration. Fanaticism. Fear.
Accusations. Anger. Anarchy.
It seems as if every day the headlines announce a new wave of destruction, deception, and death.
Opinions are a dime-a-dozen. After listening to, watching, and reading the news for the past 36 hours I’ve become convinced there are more opinions than facts.
The other observation is even the facts seem to change – almost as quickly as the opinions.
In the middle of all this horrific violence, how should Christ-followers respond? Here are some thoughts:
- Evil is alive and well. Satan’s job description is to “steal and kill and destroy.” (John 10:10)
- Jesus gives life – full of meaning and purpose. (John 10:10)
- Every single human life is valuable, sacred – and worth protecting. (Genesis 1:27 & Psalm 139:13)
- God loves everyone. No matter the color of skin or what language they speak or whether or not they just shot someone. God loves liberals, conservatives, socialists; pro-life and pro-abortion supporters. Every member of the LGBTQ community is loved by God. And He loves them so much He died for them. (Romans 5:8)
- The “breaking news” is that the world is broken. But our hope is in God who is our fortress and protector in times of trouble. We take refuge in Him. (See Psalm 37)
C.S. Lewis wrote, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”