January 24, 2016
Discussion Questions
- As a Jesus follower, think about the conversation you will have with Jesus before you enter Heaven. What thoughts or emotions come to mind?
- Do you believe you’ll be given the benefit of every doubt as you talk with Jesus? Do you fear that conversation? Why? Why not?
- We believe this conversation with Jesus will be grace filled and wonderful – we should not be overcome by guilt or fear this moment. However, we also believe Jesus will ask us to give an account about how we used our MOAT (Money, Opportunities, Abilities, and Time). If that conversation happened today, how have you invested for eternity in Heaven?
- Being as open and honest as you can, beginning today what would you change about how you’re using your MOAT?
January 17, 2016
1) If someone would take a close and objective look at your life what would they identify as your treasure?
2) In what area(s) of your life might you be acting/thinking like the “Rich Fool” in the parable Jesus tells in Luke 12?
3) Beginning today, how will you use your time, abilities, and finances to make deposits in God’s Kingdom account?
4) What changes can you make to sharpen your focus and aim for Heaven as you make decisions, establish priorities, and manage finances?
January 10, 2016
1) Pause for one minute and engage your imagination to think about Heaven. Describe what comes to mind.
2) Do you know for certain – without any doubts – you will be in Heaven when you die? How?
3) Jesus is preparing a personal place for you in Heaven. How do you respond to such a promise? What kind of emotions and thoughts come to mind?
4) If you knew for certain that you would be in Heaven tomorrow, how would today change?
Encouragement to follow Jesus better!